Social Media rules the world. Well, sort of. Social Media is everywhere. You have it, I have it, your grandmother has it. It unites us with people from countries all over the world. It divides us with our next door neighbor. However it touches you, it connects us. And as an entrepreneur, you want and need to connect with your customers. You’ve decided to start a social media account. Now you are probably asking yourself, how do I grow my social media?
At 930Tech, we’ve decided our year two focus is growing our social media accounts. Our first year we focused heavy on LinkedIN and then Facebook. We have since added Instagram and Twitter. We also added TikTok and YouTube under our Digital label. How do you manage all these accounts? Does it make sense to have this many social media accounts?
Do I need TikTok?
The answer is you manage as to the best of your ability and bring in consultants where needed. And do I need TikTok, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Snapchat? No, probably not. To determine what social media you need, simply ask yourself - what am I selling? If you are a book store, you’ll probably want Pinterest and Instagram to start with. Focus on your customer and potential customer. Where do they roam? Go there.
In our case, we started with LinkedIN and Facebook. LinkedIN was our hard push and Facebook was used as an informational site for customers and potential clients. Looking back, we probably should have put more time in pushing Facebook then we did.
Growing on Social Media
With LinkedIn, we have 800 plus followers and project to be over 1000 by the end of summer. We have grown much quicker than most companies on LinkedIn. What worked for us? As with any social media, reach out to your family and friends first. No shame in that. They will be great ambassadors and engage as you get the ball rolling. Next, we focused on like minded individuals. People in similar roles who might care about the topics we talk about. We typically follow similar companies as well. This is a great way to get ideas for content. Finally, we focused on potential clients. For us, that’s small business owners, directors, senior management, and HR managers. After you identify your prospective followers, how do you real them in? Each platform is different but also carries similar tactics. The one in common that you must focus on is good content. Otherwise, your followers have no reason to continue coming back to your page.
Focus on what matters in your industry. Not what matters to you, however, but what matters to you possible followers. For instance, if you are the book store and your goal is pick up followers who are interested in Classic Fiction, they probably don’t care that your new Point of Sale system provides color coded buttons. Instead, post content that focuses on your
expanded Rare Classics section. Once you do that, you should start to see some people become interested if your targeting is accurate. Keep growing on the content as you learn what works.
Plan your Content
The next step is to set up a plan of content posts. If you are like most companies, you won’t have a designated social media employee. Instead, plan posts at least a week out at a time. If you miss or forget a day , don’t worry. Try be consistent as possible, but if you need to post twice in short period of time go ahead and do it. Posting too much is definitely better than too little.
Social Media Help
We plan to break down our strategies further as the year goes on. Keep checking back for more tips or even better follow us on Facebook.
If you would like us to take a look at your social media and give you a potential growth plan, contact us at or message us on any of our social accounts.
For more information - Social Media Marketing Companies
Good info to have. I am working on growing my social accounts and this is a great start.